Investor Representation
Representation for Owners of Hotel and Restaurant Businesses
We create added value for your investment
Investments in hotel and restaurant real estate are attractive, but also involve risk. With our many years of experience and know-how, we ensure that your commitment pays off in the long term and represent your interests towards operators and management.
What you can expect from us
- Feasibility Studies
- Strategy- and Project Development
- Evaluation of potential Operators
- Contract Negotiations with Operators
- Continious Evaluation of key performance indicators
- Expert Contact for Operators and Management
- We have many years of experience in the operational management of hotels, restaurants and Resorts
- We think and act from an entrepreneurial perspective
- Our finance and strategy experts ensure that you can pursue and achieve your goals
- We understand both sides: the side of the investor as well as the operator
- We have proven track record of successfully repositioning and restructuring companies
- Our network garantees you the best expert contacts at all times
- Thanks to our extensive industry knowledge, we can quickly identify opportunities and risks and act accordingly
- We are neutral and independent and put your goals first
With UNISONO you have a trusted partner on your side, so you can focus on your core competencies.