Revenue Management & Distribution

for Boutique Hotels

More time for your guests while increasing revenues

Professional revenue management is an important part of a successful hotel company. The daily management of your distribution channels and the right pricing strategy, however, requires a lot of time and know-how. Our experts at the Lörrach Support Center have many years of experience in hotel revenue management, sales and distribution. We take over your daily revenue management tasks for you or actively coach your team so that you can take care of the essentials, namely your guests.


Outsourced Revenue Management

We take care of your daily revenue management tasks as if we were part of your team. Whether it’s forecasting, competitor analyzes or online distribution, our experts work with the most modern tools to make your company even more profitable. In weekly forecast meetings, we discuss the booking situation with you and decide together on the most effective measures. We see ourselves as your extended arm and always make strategic decisions together with you. Ideally, we will also take over your reservation management with our professional call center in order to achieve the greatest possible results for you.

Revenue Management Coaching

You have a great team on site, but would like them to be professionally supported? We coach your employees and prepare them for revenue management. Together with you, we develop the strategy and implement it with your team. After the implementation phase, we usually check once a month whether the measures are achieving the desired success, and we are always available to advise you by phone or video call. A pragmatic but very effective approach to help you achieve your goals.